AOL Offers Up Ad Inventory Programmatically In UK

AOL UK announced on Tuesday that it is making all of its reserved advertising inventory available programatically. That’s 100% of if inventory from its owned and operated sites, which will be in...
AOL Offers Up Ad Inventory Programmatically In UK
Written by Chris Crum

AOL UK announced on Tuesday that it is making all of its reserved advertising inventory available programatically. That’s 100% of if inventory from its owned and operated sites, which will be in its proprietary Demand Side Platform (DSP).

Advertisers can buy on AOL, The Huffington Post, Engadget, TechCrunch, Parentdish, and MyDaily in an automated, self-serve fashion. Formats including Project Devil/IAB Portrait, Billboard and Monster MPU will be available exlucisvely through its DSP. The company says additional formats will eventually be made available.

“Automating the sale of reserved inventory, that is currently done manually, will free up a vast amount of time that is lost in the standard IO process, in addition to driving efficiencies and effectiveness with digital campaigns,” the company said in a blog post. “A number of agencies and advertisers are partners of AOL’s DSP including eBay, Amnet, Cadreon and Vivaki, and they will now have access to AOL’s complete reserved inventory.”

“According to a recent IAB UK study the share of ads bought through programmatic technologies is estimated to grow from (47%) in 2014 to up to (60-75%) of total UK digital display advertising by 2017,” it said. “AOL has invested organically in programmatic technologies over the past few years, building both a proprietary Demand Side Platform (DSP) and Supply Side Platform (SSP). In the past 12 months, AOL acquired, a leading video trading platform and Convertro, an attribution modeling technology among others, as well as announcing AOL ONE by AOL in March this year: a cross screen programmatic platform that will include linear TV once rolled out in 2015.”

Advertisers will also be able to utilize numerous formats through AOL’s network of third-party publishers.

Image via AOL

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