Biden Administration Tightens the Screws on Huawei

Any hopes Huawei had of the Biden administration easing up on restrictions were dashed, as the new administration is doubling down....
Biden Administration Tightens the Screws on Huawei
Written by Matt Milano

Any hopes Huawei had of the Biden administration easing up on restrictions were dashed, as the new administration is doubling down.

The Trump administration took a hard stance against the Chinese telecommunications firm, claiming it was a threat to national security. The US ultimately banned Huawei, and engaged in a determined effort to convince allies to do the same, many of whom followed suit. Intelligence agencies around the world joined in, calling Huawei a security threat.

Throughout it all, Huawei has continued to maintain its innocence and claim to be the victim of unfair persecution. Some critics have also wondered if the company truly posed the threat the administration and intelligence agencies claimed, or if the restrictions were merely part of the Trump administration’s trade war against China. As a result, Huawei hoped a change in administration would bring a more favorable climate.

It appears those hopes were unfounded, as the Biden administration has imposed further restrictions, according to Reuters, modifying existing licenses that permitted some companies to do business with the Chinese firm. The administration is adding additional limitations to what components companies can sell to Huawei, specifically components that can be used for 5G.

In particular, the new restrictions are aimed at bringing older licenses, that were more lenient, in line with the more stringent restrictions the Trump administration later imposed, essentially ending the “grandfathered” status of the older licenses.

Huawei has already been reeling from the sanctions and restrictions, forcing it to consider alternative businesses. It now appears things are poised to get even worse.

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