How To Leverage AI To Optimize Your Email Marketing Strategy

Email has taken communication to newer heights as it is one of the most widely used methods for digital communication. ...
How To Leverage AI To Optimize Your Email Marketing Strategy
Written by Brian Wallace

Email has taken communication to newer heights as it is one of the most widely used methods for digital communication. It is estimated that there will be more than 4.3 billion email users worldwide by 2023.

Hence, the significance of email marketing is no surprise for your business to influence your target audience. Moreover, utilizing the power of artificial intelligence to optimize your email marketing strategy further enhances the impact on your target audience.

Businesses that use AI to drive email marketing are likely to grow by US $1.2 trillion annually.

In fact, 49% of marketers are already implementing automation in their email marketing strategy.

Artificial intelligence can be used for smart segmentation, optimization of email subject lines, and email automation workflow, which can help you to increase click-through rates and open rates.

Let’s deep dive into how you can leverage AI to optimize your email marketing strategy.

1- Write Appealing Subject Lines

With the help of AI, you can optimize your subject, body copy, and CTA.

The subject of the email is one of the most crucial parts of the email content. More than 35% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line alone.

By integrating artificial intelligence, you can analyze the performance of past emails and determine which subject lines have performed the best in the past. It also assists you by recommending a subject line that can be engaging and interactive. You can also find spam words that can be avoided while writing subject lines.

2- Optimize Your Body Copy and CTA

Similarly, the main content of the email can be tailored based on the past behavior of users. AI evaluates the content explored by users on your website and changes the e-newsletter from week to week when the user begins to explore a new category of content. 

Moreover, provide a unified company-wide email signature to brand every message that you send to your subscriber. Focus on Office 365 email signature management to centrally manage and sync your company email signatures.

For optimizing CTA, utilizing AI helps you to find the change in user behavior and interest and present the next CTA accordingly.

For example, a user was not checking the technical document on your website. But gradually started showing interest and became engaged in your technical content. Taking it as a signal, AI prompts to offer a technical whitepaper in the next email CTA. 

3- Create a Segmented Email List

You can win customers through data segmentation as it enables you to send targeted emails to the audience. However, manually segmenting your data requires a lot of time and effort.

Therefore, by AI it is more stress-free and an easy task. Using AI, you can easily segment users based on:

●  Demographics, such as age, location, or gender.

●  Past purchase behavior of the users.

●  Email behavior, such as open or click activities in their mailboxes.

After evaluation, AI-powered apps come up with a segmented list, allowing you to boost email marketing efforts to the fullest. It also enables you to create real-time and accurate marketing segments based on customer insights drawn from cross-channel activities.

Moreover, it helps you to segment your subscriber based on their position in the sales funnel. Thus, AI-powered techniques allow you to target users individually for hyper-relevant marketing.

4- Personalize Your Emails

Integrating AI in your marketing strategy enables marketers to study the behavior of users and predict the perfect time to send them an email.

It also helps you to reduce the spillage and reach a definite audience based on their locations, interest, likes, preferences, and search patterns. Using this data, marketers can predict the type of content that their users would like to see. Thus, making it possible to personalize your email.

In addition, you can use professional and personalized templates that will increase the chances that your subscribers will open and read your mail.

Utilize AI-powered email marketing tools, such as ConvertKit, Sendinblue, or Moosend, that help you create more personalized emails.

5- Automate the Workflow

AI-based data insights enable marketers and strategists to schedule the mail at regular intervals. If you have a wide range of users from multiple time zones, then it is better to set and optimize delivery times as per their time zone.

AI helps you to figure out the time when your users are actively looking at their emails based on their past behavior. 

Therefore, with the help of AI, you can optimize the send time and send sales or limited time offers when your subscribers are active and more likely to click on it.

6- Better Reporting and Actionable Analytics

Traditional methods of reporting included capturing statistics, such as opens and clicks. However, it can be improved with the help of AI. It enables you to generate data that can be utilized to get better insights and achieve the intended goal.

Some of the improved techniques that you can use to get detailed insights into user behavior and create better emails are funnels, cohorts, and churn analysis.

●  Funnel analysis: It analyzes the actions taken by the users before reaching the desired goal. Funnel analysis helps marketers to determine where they are losing the most users and where they are converting them. With the help of this information, you can implement necessary steps to drive traffic, encourage subscribers to take action or entice them. 

●  Cohort analysis: It helps you to find out a group of subscribers that share the same characteristics. For example, some users signed up for emails in February and opened their emails in the following months of March, April, and May. Using this data, you can understand what products, promotions and marketing initiatives attract your subscribers.

●  Churn analysis and prediction: It helps you to identify signals that a subscriber is about to unsubscribe you. An example of such a single is subscribers that stopped interacting with your emails. Thus, it enables you to take action in advance to retain your subscribers. 

Final Thoughts

Your emails must be distinctive, specific, and target-oriented to stand out of the clutter in the mailbox of your target audience. It is because a common emailer with a repetitive message will not fetch you the desired click-through rate. You can easily achieve that by integrating AI with your email marketing strategy.

It helps you to provide more customized, targeted, and personalized emails to the subscribers. It is one of the effective strategies to deliver quality and insightful campaigns. It uses a combination of automation and advanced tools to synchronize and create appealing email campaigns. Thus, it is advantageous to incorporate AI technology to witness exceptional growth.

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