Upskilling the Workplace With Microlearning

Is your workplace ready to advance? If so, then learn how to upskill the company with microlearning int he article below....
Upskilling the Workplace With Microlearning
Written by Brian Wallace

Traditional ways of teaching employees in the workplace aren’t cutting it anymore. Jobs today don’t give employees the resources they need to learn how to do their jobs efficiently and effectively. On average, only 24 minutes are alloted for learning and many employees in the end are taught nothing. Nearly 60% of workers are entirely self-taught and receive little to no training from their jobs. The majority of workers feel that they could be doing more and aren’t achieving their full potential because of this lack of learning opportunities. 70% would consider leaving for a job that invests more time and effort into teaching their employees. 40% of those who don’t receive necessary training end up leaving that job within the first year. Most employees report that they don’t have the skills they need to do their jobs and only 12% are able to apply training to their actual jobs.

Training Doesn’t Always Work

Making sure employees know how to do what they need to do is vital for a business to function. Our current traditional training models are ineffective, costly, and slow. On average, it takes 7 clicks to reach information in a learning management system. Only after 3 clicks, learners see a massive jump in complexity and difficulty they aren’t prepared for. Organizers waste resources creating courses and classes that aren’t able to hold employee’s attention and aren’t able to actually teach them anything.

To create a 1 hour course, an advanced course with customization and gamification can take 466 minutes to produce. Even a small, one-time, in-person training event can cost over $40,000. With the average adult having a maximum of a 20 minute attention span, training sessions quickly become boring and monotonous as they aren’t able to hold the learner’s attention. These standalone training events don’t create lasting learning with up to 80% of learned information lost within just a week.

Introducing Microlearning

Learning bits at a time and going over previous information with microlearning instead of dumping a huge amount of information all at once has been generating real results. Employees are able to learn more and retain information much longer with microlearning as compared to traditional learning systems. Microlearning only takes a few minutes per day and costs hugely less time and money than setting up an entire event. It uses brief reading or written responses to foster more engagement with a topic. It asks questions about what’s being learned to test learning recall and to help employees retain information longer by going over previous knowledge. Microlearning can fit training into the workday without location and time restraints and boost collaboration, social learning, and employee engagement. This approach is much more engaging with employees and reinforces the learned information. It helps employees apply their new knowledge to their actual work. 

In Conclusion

67% of Gen Z want to work for companies that invest in their learning. This helps them build skills for their careers. Learn more about how microlearning actually teaches what employees need to know while not wasting time below:

Microlearning - the future of workplace training
Source: Arist

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