Office Tech Trends that Will Dominate the Business World in 2023

As we find our footing in the new year, new office tech trends are emerging. Find out which is the right tech for you below....
Office Tech Trends that Will Dominate the Business World in 2023
Written by Brian Wallace

It’s no secret that modern technology has been changing and reshaping the business world as we (used to) know it for quite some time now. New gadgets, hardware and software solutions are entering the scene seemingly on a daily basis, and what was considered “hot” just a few months ago may as well be rendered obsolete by now. 

That’s why companies who are constantly looking to gain an upper hand keep their eyes peeled on up and coming technology solutions that will help them advance. Notably, while it is virtually impossible to stay on top of them all, and implement them all in your business operations, identifying the ones that will bring you the most value is where it’s at. 

So, with that in mind, let’s take a peek at some of the most prominent office tech trends that are bound to dominate the business world in 2023 and beyond.

Increased use of smart office gadgets and furniture

To start off on arguably the most easily-applicable office tech trends, we’ll first discuss the implementation and use of smart office gadgets and furniture. More and more companies are starting to realize the importance of a comfortable working environment and they are now seeking smart solutions that will help them improve upon this.

That’s why offices nowadays are somewhat moving away from open office floor plans which, although aesthetically pleasing, didn’t really work for everyone. So, companies that have embraced this approach in the past are now looking to install wooden panels and similar dividers that will not only bring more privacy, but will also significantly reduce noise pollution.

What’s more, businesses are increasingly investing in equipment such as ergonomic office furniture, noise-canceling headphones and blue light blocking glasses, to name a few. 

Greater emphasis on user-first data governance

Believe it or not, recent studies suggest that only about 21% of users trust established global brands to keep their personal information secure. However, if you consider the way in which data is currently being collected by the majority of businesses, this really doesn’t come off as such a big surprise. 

That’s why more and more companies are now trying to improve this level of trust by implementing and offering user-first data governance. In short, this approach allows consumers to be fully in charge of the type and volume of their personal data that will be available to businesses to collect. 

Not only that, but with this user-first approach, the users will also be in charge of who their data is being shared with, in which manner and how is it being deposed of once it stops bringing value. Needless to say, this approach will bring very positive results to businesses that choose to use it, as trust is still arguably one of the key factors of a successful relationship.

Greater implementation of adaptive AI

Of course, we simply can’t talk about innovative tech trends in the business world without mentioning artificial intelligence (AI) and the massive impact it already left on businesses of all structures and sizes. However, as you may already guessed, things have only continued to evolve from what the majority of us knew about AI so far.

Namely, one of the hottest new office trends is actually implementing adaptive AI to business operations. As the name suggests, adaptive AI has the ability to learn faster and in a more independent way. As such, it has the ability to basically learn on the go, which allows businesses to faster improve their operations. This, in turn, will allow them to offer far better customer experience, which is yet another key aspect of customer satisfaction and overall business growth. 

Greater use of industry cloud platforms

Industry cloud platforms allow businesses to manage, connect and automate their processes far more efficiently than traditional cloud platforms. To put it simply, these platforms turn regular cloud platforms into business platforms, which not only greatly improves overall operations but leaves more room for faster and smoother scalability.

Since these platforms are a collection of software solutions they can take care of more industry-specific tasks instead of focusing on a single one. Therefore, it’s like basically having access to a business specific software solution that’s entirely customized according to your organization’s unique needs.  

It’s no secret that businesses that stay on top of the latest tech trends and are quick to embrace them and adapt to them are the ones that are leading the race. That said, it’s crucial to recognize the trends that will bring the most value to your business and implement them first, to avoid overwhelming both their employees and their entire business structure. So, make sure you stay on a lookout but also recognize the areas of your business that will benefit the most from implementing some of the latest tech trends in your industry.

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