Permanent Remote Googlers May Receive Pay Cuts

Google employees looking to work remotely on a permanent basis may be in for a disappointment, facing pay cuts for their choice....
Permanent Remote Googlers May Receive Pay Cuts
Written by Matt Milano

Google employees looking to work remotely on a permanent basis may be in for a disappointment, facing pay cuts for their choice.

Google is trying to find the right balance regarding a return to the office and employees that have become accustomed to working remotely. Many companies in the tech industry, and even many outside of it, have decided to allow employees to work remotely permanently.

Google is now indicating employees may face pay cuts if they decide to work from home permanently. Since the company pays salaries based on location, it unveiled the Work Location Tool, a pay calculator that helps employees determine what their pay will be depending on what region or office they work from.

According to Reuters, however, the company may adjust pay even for employees that are based in the same office they always have been, but choose to work remotely. The change could especially impact employees that have traditionally had a long commute.

One employee that spoke to Reuters, asking not be be identified out of fear of retaliation, said working from home would result in a 10% pay cut. Despite a two-hour commute, the employee ultimately decided the pay cut wasn’t worth giving up the commute.

“It’s as high of a pay cut as I got for my most recent promotion. I didn’t do all that hard work to get promoted to then take a pay cut,” the employee said.

Google has already been facing major pushback from employees over its remote work policies. It’s a safe bet this latest issue will only add to the pushback.

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