Trailer For The Judge Dredd Remake Hits

While it’s going to miss the summer blockbuster movie window, the “looks much better than I expected” trailer for the upcoming Judge Dredd movie–called, ironically enough, Dred...
Trailer For The Judge Dredd Remake Hits
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While it’s going to miss the summer blockbuster movie window, the “looks much better than I expected” trailer for the upcoming Judge Dredd movie–called, ironically enough, Dredd–should be enough to generate a decent level of buzz, especially from the comic book geek crowd and those fans of Karl Urban. Aside from the fact that the trailer does look much better than one probably had a right to expect, especially following Sylvester Stallone’s attempt at putting Dredd on the big screen, the production staff did a great job ensuring Urban’s version of the Dredd character looks a lot like the comic character.

Case in point:


The film’s description, as provided by /Film, also sounds promising:

During a routine day on the job, Dredd is assigned to train and evaluate Cassandra Anderson (Olivia Thirlby), a rookie with powerful psychic abilities thanks to a genetic mutation. A heinous crime calls them to a neighborhood where fellow Judges rarely dare to venture- a 200 story vertical slum controlled by prostitute turned drug lord Ma-Ma (Lena Headey) and her ruthless clan. When they capture one of the clan’s inner circle, Ma-Ma overtakes the compound’s control center and wages a dirty, vicious war against the Judges that proves she will stop at nothing to protect her empire. With the body count climbing and no way out, Dredd and Anderson must confront the odds and engage in the relentless battle for their survival.

Adding to the buzz-building trailer is the fact that Lena Headey’s Ma-Ma looks like an awesome villainess, something we don’t get a great deal in modern movies. Far too often the role of antagonist is normally left to a male character. Here’s hoping Headey absolutely nails the role, that way, maybe we can see more femme fatales in blockbuster-style movies.

When you add the movie’s R-rating into the mix, and you have the makings of something mature geeks and other adult movie-goers should enjoy, because not everything released to the big screen has to be child-appropriate.

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